So just to give those who haven't met me, a taste of the REAL Sean, away from this charade of social media, here are some fun facts about me:
- My first social media project came when I tried to sell a viral to an AIDs charity. Unfortunately, they did not want to hire us.
- On my first day of work experience at Hotwire (before it was 33 Digital) I got so turned on by Drew Benvie’s knowledge that my nose bled. @DomW helped me in the toilets when I passed out
- Sometimes, when I've had long day in the offices I like to unwind by visiting the offices of Lewis PR, one of our biggest rivals just to watch @eba work. If I am really stressed I will stand outside his window and make fox noises so that he thinks he's being haunted by a fox.
- I'm scared of cats
- Sometimes I like to dress as a teenage mutant ninja turtle and walk around Soho pretending I'm going to a party.